Species that initiated the designation of KBA [and other species under threat of global extinction, which are present in the KBA, but whose compliance with the global criteria of the KBA is not confirmed]: Acantholimon langaricum. Astragalus khassanovii, Bupleurum isphairamicum, Cousinia jassyensis, Crataegus isfajramensis, Eremurus zenaidae, Ferula alaica, Ferula subtilis, Incarvillea olgae, Nathaliella alaica, Neuroloma botschantzevii, Neuroloma tianschanicum, Pedicularis popovii, Phlomis drobovii, Phlomoides pulchra, Phlomoides stellata, Physochlaina alaica, Saussurea schachimardanica, Scutellaria nepetoides, Seseli alaicum, Semenovia alaica, Stubendorffia botschantzevii, Stubendorffia curvinervia.
Acantholimon langaricum Genus: Acantholimon family: Leadaceae order: Leadaceae class: Dicotyledonous division: Flowering.
Botanical description of the genus: Representatives of the genus are perennial evergreen subshrubs that form dense, hard, continuous cushions and carpets. The homeland of acantholimon is the steppe and mountainous regions of Armenia, Asia Minor, Tibet, the Mediterranean and the Caucasus. The genus Acantholimon consists of 295 species of evergreen plants.
Acantholimons are distinguished by their height, which can reach from 30 centimeters to 1 meter. The root system is well developed, of a mixed type, which allows it to grow well on rocky and gravelly substrates. Stems erect, branched, woody at the base. The leaves are intense dark green, rather long, hard, and needle-shaped. Elastic needle-like leaves are collected in rosettes. Fitting tightly to each other, they form neat prickly pillows.
Flowers in one-sided spike-shaped inflorescences. The corolla color ranges from pale pink to bright pink. Acantholimons bloom from July to August.
Interesting Facts: Acantholimon (lat. Acantholimon) is a genus of ground cover plants belonging to the family Plumbaginaceae. The name of the Greek etymology, “acanthos” - thorn, thorn and “leimon” - meadow, explains the life form of the plants. Acantholimons are used in landscape design to create alpine slides and rocky gardens. In addition, the extract of these plants is used to treat wounds, burns and inflammatory processes on the skin. Acantholimones also have antibacterial properties and can be used as an antiseptic.
Sources of information : https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/90760
https://101dizain.ru/wiki/plant/alp/akantolimon.html https://diymaven.ru/78320-akantolimon
Khasanov’s Astragalus (Astragalus khassanovii)Genus: Astragalus - family: Legumes - order: Legumes - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Distribution: Astragalus primarily grows in temperate geographic areas, with some species found in the tropics and low mountains. The plant is widespread in China, Mongolia, and Central Asia. In Kyrgyzstan, the predominance of species of the genus Astragalus is noted - 169 species.
Botanical description of the species: Flowers: perianth zygomorphic; number of petals 5; inflorescence raceme. External signs of leaves: leaves are complex; the division is pinnate; orders of complexity 1; petiole attachment; there is no division. Differences between the shoots: the leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate. Fruits: dry type; dry pod or bean.
Ecology: For centuries, astragals have inhabited deserts, semi-deserts, mountain slopes, forest edges and ravines. Depending on the proposed living conditions, the appearance of plants changed.
Interesting facts: The Latin name Astragalus is derived from the Greek word for the dice that the seeds resemble. Most astragals have not been studied at all. Many of them are forage plants and honey plants. The healing properties of this plant have been known since ancient times. Astragalus is used to treat hypertension, edema, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
Information sources: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/26762
https://vitgid.ru/pitanie/superfoods/travy/astragalus/astragal/ - medicinal properties of astragalus.
Isfayram hawthorn ( Crataegus isfajramensis )Genus: Hawthorn family: Rosehip order: Rosaceae class: Dicotyledonous division: Flowering.
Zoning. Tien Shan hawthorn is found in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Western Tien Shan and Karatau, Kyrgyzstan.
Botanical description of the species: Life form: tree, deciduous. Flowers: main color white; size 2 cm; perianth actinomorphic; number of petals 5; inflorescence corymb.
External signs of leaves: petiolar attachment; stipule or trumpet appendages; leaves are simple. Differences in shoots: shoots are erect; leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate; placement of leaves along the length of the stem. Fruits: juicy apple; juicy type.
Meaning: decorative.
Interesting facts: Hawthorns are widely used as an ornamental and medicinal plant. The fruits are eaten. Honey plants and hawthorns are visited by bees willingly, but they do not yield much honey.
Hawthorn flowers contain dimethylamine, a substance that gives them the characteristic smell of stale fish. Sometimes the smell is described as specific, but very pleasant. The flowers bloom in spring or early summer, after the leaves, at a time when the latter have not yet reached normal size, are honey-bearing, but have an unpleasant odor and are pollinated mainly by various flies, as well as beetles and bees.
Since the 16th century, hawthorn has been used in medicine. In former times, it was used only as an astringent for diarrhea and dysentery. Since the 19th century, tea from flowers and leaves began to be used as a blood purifier, and since the beginning of the 20th century, hawthorn fruits and flowers have been recommended as a medicine for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Hawthorns are widely used in ornamental gardening and landscape design. Hawthorns live up to 300 years and are an ideal material for prickly hedges - beautiful and yet practically impenetrable. Hawthorn is used to create decorative groups in landscape parks; used to secure the slopes of ravines, the banks of reservoirs and rivers. A number of species of hawthorn are cultivated fruit plants that have been cultivated for this purpose in the Western Mediterranean since ancient times. They are unpretentious in cultivation, the vast majority are winter-hardy and light-loving.
Information sources:
Bupleurum isphairamicum Genus: Bupleurum family: Celeryaceae order: Araliaceae class: Dicotyledonous division: Flowering.
Botanical description of the genus: Perennial or annual herbaceous plants, less often subshrubs and shrubs. Grows in wet meadows, on slopes, and seaside cliffs. The root is powerful, taproot.
The stem is straight, up to 1 m tall. The basal leaves are longer, the middle and upper ones are shorter than the lower ones. The leaves of the cucumber plant, similar to cucumber ones, have a bluish tint, as they are covered with a waxy coating. Flowers with petals curved inwards. Blooms in June - July
The fruit is an achene. Fruits in July - August.
Interesting facts: Volodushka is recognized by scientific medicine as a valuable medicinal plant in the treatment of all liver diseases: cholecystitis, cholangitis, angiocholitis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis. 4 types of vodka have medicinal value.
Source of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/28321
Photo source: Digital herbarium of Moscow State University: Electronic resource. – M.: MSU, 2024. https://plant.depo.msu.ru/open/public/item/MW0593790
Alai Seseli ( Seseli alaicum )Genus: Seseli - family: Celeryaceae - order: Araliaceae - class: Dicotyledonous < division: Flowering.
Status: Endemic to Kyrgyzstan. The species was known only from the Alai Range, from the Isfayram-Sai River basin. The species was found on the northern macroslope of the Turkestan Range, Sokh River basin, Kaiyndy River gorge, Symal tract (07/18/2022, G.A. Lazkov, U.A. Neveraev).
Botanical description of the species: Flowers: actinomorphic perianth; number of petals 5; inflorescence umbrella. Differences between the shoots: the leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate. Fruits: dry yellow carp; dry type; dry achene.
Sources of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/56401
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/35421.html
Drobov’s Phlomis ( Phlomis drobovii )Genus: Phlomis - family: Lamiaceae - order: Lamiaceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Botanical description of the species: Flowers: perianth zygomorphic, fused-petalled; number of petals 5. External signs of leaves: leaves are simple; petiole attachment. Differences in shoots: leaf arrangement on the shoot is opposite.
Interesting facts: The roots of some Phlomises were eaten. The aerial part of the plants was used in folk medicine for anemia, hypoacid gastritis, pneumonia, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, malaria, hemorrhoids, edema, and hypertension. It has been established that the infusion of the aerial part increases blood clotting and has a hypotensive effect.
Used as an ornamental plant.
A good honey plant, gives a lot of nectar.
Source of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/48831
Incarvillea Olga ( Incarvillea olgae )General distribution . Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
Distribution in Kyrgyzstan: Alai ridge.
Botanical description of the species: Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1.5 m tall. The leaves are pinnately dissected, the upper ones are whole. Flowers on the tops of stems in paniculate inflorescences. Pedicels 0.5-2.0 cm long. Calyx up to 5 mm long, with triangular teeth. The corolla is pink, 3-4 cm long, the tube is gradually widened, the limb has five slightly unequal lobes. The fruit is a long spindle-shaped multi-seeded capsule, up to 10 cm long. The seeds are flat with a wide wing.
Phenology. Blooms in June, bears fruit in August.
Ecology. Grows in rocky and pebble habitats, in pebble floodplains of rivers, at altitudes of 1000-1500 m above sea level. u. m.
Cultivation. Periodically cultivated in the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Meaning. Rare decorative species.
Security measures in Kyrgyzstan. Listed in the Red Book (2007).
Source of information: Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) – FAO. Ankara, 2015
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/39558.html
Cousinia jassyensisGenus: Cousinia family: Compositae order: Asteraceae class: Dicotyledonous division: Floral.
Botanical description of the genus: Biennial, often perennial herbs or subshrubs with entire, pinnately dissected or lyre-shaped leaves, basal leaves usually different from the stem ones, often in a rosette; stems simple or branched.
Interesting Facts: The genus is named after the French philosopher and historian Victor Cousin. Some species of Cousinia are used in the pharmaceutical industry.
Source of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/32843
Popov’s pedicularis ( Pedicularis popovii )Genus: Pedicularis family: Norichinaceae order: Norichinaceae class: Dicotyledonous division: Flowering.
Botanical description of the species: Life form is herbaceous, terrestrial.
Flowers: perianth zygomorphic, fused-petaled; number of petals 5. External signs of leaves: separate division; leaves are simple; the division is pinnate.
Differences in shoots: shoots are erect; leaf arrangement on the shoot is opposite.
Fruits : dry type; dry box.
Cultivation : used in landscape design. The plant loves soils rich in nitrogen.
Source of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/32843
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/27229.html
Alai nataliella ( Nathaliella alaica )Genus: Nataliella family: Scrophulariaceae order: Scrophulariales class: Dicotyledonous division: Flowering.
Distribution in Kyrgyzstan. Alai ridge.
General distribution. Endemic.
Botanical description of the species: Perennial with thick vertical root. The branches of the caudex are densely covered with the remains of dead leaves and white bristly hairs. The leaves are all basal; plate 1.0-1.8 cm long, 0.5-1.2 cm wide, broadly ovoid, obtuse, narrowed at the base into a petiole almost equal in length. The flowers are solitary, on a short stalk. Calyx about 5 mm long, with five short blunt teeth, short hairy. Corolla 15 mm long, pink-violet, vaguely two-lipped; the corolla tube is cylindrical, slightly widened at the throat; the limb is five-lobed. The filaments are thin and bare. The ovary is bare. The style is thread-like, the stigma is flattened. The fruit is a two-lobed capsule. The seeds are rod-shaped, slightly curved.
Phenology. Blooms in June-July, bears fruit in July-August.
Ecology. It grows on limestone rocks, among juniper trees, at altitudes of 1800-2200 meters above sea level. u. m.
Cultivation . No information available.
Meaning . Ornamental plant .
Security in Kyrgyzstan. Included in the Red Book (2007).
Information sources . Filimonova (1987). Lazkov (2006), expedition data.
Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) – FAO. Ankara, 2015
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/24855.html
Bochantsev’s neuroloma (Neuroloma botschantzevii)Genus: Parrilla family: Brassicas order: Caperaceae class: Dicotyledonous division: Flowering.
Other names: Parriya pinnate, Achoriphragm Bochantsev, Achoriphragm pinnate, Nervocarpus Bochantsev, Nervocarpus pinnate.
Botanical description of the genus: Parrias are perennial herbaceous plants. Leaves are entire or pinnately divided. The flower arrow is often leafless.
Sepals are spaced, lateral at the base, often saccular. The petals are large, with a long nail, purple or white. The filaments of the stamens are free, without teeth. Around the base of the short stamens there is one ring-shaped honey gland open to the outside. The ovary is sessile. The column is short. The stigma is bilobed. The fruit is an oblong or linear pod, flattened at the back; the valves are flat, with a clear midrib, reticulate-veined. Seeds are double-rowed or single-rowed, flat, winged or wingless. The cotyledons are flat; embryo is marginal.
Interesting facts: The genus is named after the English Arctic explorer William Edward Parry.
Information sources: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/48258
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/27046.html
Tien Shan neuroloma ( Neuroloma tianschanicum )Genus: Parrilla family: Brassicas order: Caperaceae class: Dicotyledonous division: Floral.
Habitat: rocky mountain slopes.
Botanical description of the species: Herbaceous plant
There are 4 petals in the corolla.
Botanical description of the genus: Perennial herbaceous plants. Leaves are entire or pinnately divided. The flower arrow is often leafless.
Sepals are spaced, lateral at the base, often saccular. The petals are large, with a long nail, purple or white. The filaments of the stamens are free, without teeth. Around the base of the short stamens there is one ring-shaped honey gland open to the outside. The ovary is sessile. The column is short. The stigma is bilobed. The fruit is an oblong or linear pod, flattened at the back; the valves are flat, with a clear midrib, reticulate-veined. Seeds are double-rowed or single-rowed, flat, winged or wingless. The cotyledons are flat; embryo is marginal.
Source of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/48266
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/27061.html
Alai bladderwort ( Physochlaina alaica )Genus: Bladderwort - family: Solanaceae - order: Solanaceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Status: VU. Rare, narrowly endemic species.
The distribution is general in the country: Turkestan and Alai ranges (in the valleys of the Isfara, Sokh and Shakhimardan rivers) - Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Places of growth. It grows in the shade of rocks, under bushes, in open clearings in juniper forests. Number. Very insignificant.
Botanical description of the species: Perennial, with deep-growing up to 2 m, fragile roots when broken. Stems are numerous, erect, loosely hairy and glandular, up to 50 cm in height, leaves are 6-10 cm long, 4 - 7 cm wide, broadly ovate, conical at the base, long-petiolate. The leaves are almost bare on the upper side; on the lower side, along the main vein, they are loosely hairy, broadly ovate, rounded at the apex, conical towards the base, entire or notched, on long petioles. Leaf blade 6-10 cm long, 4-7 cm wide. The inflorescence is capitate-racemose. The flowers are dirty cream with dark spots. The calyx is glandular-hairy, leathery when fruiting. Corolla 12-16 mm long, dirty cream, with dark spots. Stamens are equal in length to the limb, with filaments pubescent at the base. Capsule 10-12 mm in length, 8 mm in diameter. The seeds are yellowish, kidney-shaped, depressed on one side.
Features of biology. Propagated by seeds. Blooms in V-VI; the fruits ripen at the end of VII.
Limiting factors. It is killed by livestock during unregulated grazing and destroyed during pasture reclamation.
Cultivation. No information.
Existing security measures. No special protection measures have been developed. In 1981, it was listed in the Red Book of the Kyrgyz SSR.
Recommended security measures. To protect populations, create botanical reserves in the Selik and Kichik tracts.
Source of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/48969
Source of information and pictures https://open.kg/about-kyrgyzstan/nature/red-book/fungi-and-higher-plants/31839-puzyrnica-alayskaya-alay-fizohlaynasy-alai-physochlaina.html
Shakhimardan saussurea ( Saussurea schachimardanica )Distribution: There are about 400 species of Saussure in Eurasia and North America. There are about 115 species in Russia and neighboring countries, mainly in Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East.
Habitat: Saussureas grow in salt marshes, solonetz soils, saline meadows and steppes. Most species live in the subalpine and alpine mountain belts in meadows, rocky slopes, screes, rocks, and mountain tundra.
Botanical description of the genus: Leaves are alternate, from entire to pinnately dissected.
The flowers are tubular, bisexual, mostly pink or purple, in inflorescences - baskets forming a common inflorescence, or sometimes solitary.
The fruit is an achene with a tuft of feathery hairs.
Interesting facts: The genus Saussurea was named by the French botanist Decandolle, father and son, Saussure, in honor of two of his fellow naturalists.
Alai semenovia ( Semenovia alaica )Semenovia white Lazkov genus Semenovia family Apiaceae.
Semenovia is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Apiaceae family.
Distribution: The native range extends from Iran to Central Asia (within Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Tibet, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the Western Himalayas) and China.
Interesting Facts: The generic name Semenovia is given in honor of Pyotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky (1827–1914), a Russian geographer and statistician who led the Russian Geographical Society for more than 40 years. He gained international fame for his pioneering exploration of the Tien Shan Mountains. It was first described and published in Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalists Moscow Vol.39 ( II ) on page 78 in 1866.
Photo source: Herbarium of Moscow University - https :// www . gbif . org / occurrence /1697717740
Phlomoides beautiful (pulchra ) Genus: Phlomoides - family: Lamiaceae - order: Lamiaceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Distribution: Central Asia, Kazakhstan.
In fescue-wormwood steppes, on river terraces, along rocky slopes to the zone of creeping juniper.
The species was found: Kyrgyzstan, Alai Range, environs of the village of Khaidarken, Allauddin River valley, alpine pasture meadows, 2700 m a.s.l.
Botanical description of the species: Perennial. The roots are fibrous, long, often with tuberous thickenings of spherical or elongated shape. Stems (17-20) 25-53 cm high, straight, strong, tetrahedral, pubescent with thin, long multi-membered hairs. Leaves are basal (9) 11-17 (21) cm long, twice pinnately dissected or pinnately divided, less often lyre-shaped, with oblong-lanceolate or ovate-oblong segments; bracts b. m. pinnately incised, the lower ones longer than the whorls, the upper ones equal or shorter than them; the segments are pinnately lobed or serrated, almost glabrous above (in var. subintegrifolia M. Pop. the leaves are pubescent on both sides), gray below with multi-jointed, sinuous and scattered stellate hairs; basal leaves on petioles 7-14 cm long, pubescent like the stems; stem on petioles 2-7 cm long. The flowers are sessile in numerous whorls, forming a dense, oblong, elliptical, spicate or elongated capitate inflorescence. Bracts equal to half or 3/4 of a calyx, linear-lanceolate, densely pubescent with thin, long, erect hairs. The calyx is 20-26 mm long, tubular-campanulate, pubescent, like the bracts, with long hairs, in addition, with scattered glandular hairs. Corolla 40-47 mm long, yellow; the upper lip is equal to the lower one, along the inside edge with a beard of hairs; the lower lip is fan-shaped and three-lobed, serrated or wavy along the edge, sparsely hairy on the outside; the tube is almost bare; stamen filaments with longitudinal fringed appendages; inside there is a corolla tube without a hairy ring or there are rudiments of a hairy ring. Nuts at the top with a dense beard of hairs. Blooms May-June; bears fruit in July-August.
Source of information : https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/48904
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/27832.html
Phlomoides star-shaped ( Phlomoides stellate ) Genus: Phlomoides family: Lamiaceae order: Lamiaceae class: Dicotyledonous division: Flowering.
Botanical description of the genus: The plants are herbaceous and do not form a tumbleweed shape. Leaves fall off at the time of fruiting.
The corolla falls off during fruiting; The upper lip is not compressed on the sides, gnawed-toothed, less often wavy, pubescent (including along the edge from the inside) with long simple hairs (sometimes also stellate on the outer surface). The lateral lobes of the lower lip are well developed, not subulate. Erems at the apex usually have a tuft of hairs.
Interesting Facts: Some types of fireweed are good spicy-flavoring plants. For example, the root tubers of the tuber plant (Phlomo i des tuber o sa), which contain a lot of starch, are eaten fried, baked or boiled. In former times, they were prepared for future use, dried, and then ground into flour and cereals. Used to make confectionery, sauces, and milk porridge. Kalmyks added this flour to tea.
Phlomoides are valuable honey plants and produce a lot of nectar. 100 plants produce about 100 mg of pollen.
Some species were used in folk medicine for pneumonia, bronchitis, jaundice, hemorrhoids, as an astringent, wound healing and tonic.
Source of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/69978
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/48874.html
Alai ferula ( Ferula alaica )Genus: Ferula Family: Apiaceae Order: Araliales Class: Magnoliopsida Division: Magnoliophyta
Life form
Status: Endemic to Kyrgyzstan.
Distribution: The species was known only from several points of the Alai Range. The species was found: Kyrgyzstan, northern macroslope of the Turkestan Range, Shyrykty Mountains, about 5 km west of the village of Vostochny, ridge.
Botanical description of the species: Life form is grass, terrestrial, ephemeroid, rosette.
Flowers: size up to 1 cm; perianth actinomorphic; number of petals 5; inflorescence umbrella. External signs of leaves: leaves are complex; the division is pinnate; orders of complexity greater than 2; petiole attachment. Differences in shoots: shoots are erect; The leaf arrangement on the shoot is regular.
Fruits: dry type; dry achene.
Sources of information: Lazkov G.A., Neveraev U.A., Ganybaeva M.R. NEW LOCATIONS OF SPECIES OF FLOWERING PLANTS (MAGNOLIOPHYTA) IN KYRGYZSTAN - http://science-journal.kg/media/Papers/nntiik/2022/7/%D0%9D%D0%9D%D0%A2__7-2022_57-59.pdf
Ferula subtilis Genus: Ferula - family: Celeryaceae - order: Araliaceae -class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Botanical description of the species: Life form: grass, terrestrial, ephemeroid, rosette.
Flowers: size up to 1 cm; perianth actinomorphic; number of petals 5; inflorescence umbrella.
External signs of leaves: leaves are complex; the division is pinnate; orders of complexity greater than 2; petiole attachment.
Differences in shoots: shoots are erect; The leaf arrangement on the shoot is regular.
Fruits: dry type; dry achene.
Source of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/37262
Bochantsev’s stubendorfia (Stubendorffia botschantzevii)Genus: Stubendorffia-Family: Brassicaceae-Order: Brassicales-Class: Magnoliopsida
Stubendorfia is a genus of herbaceous plants of the cruciferous family. They come from Central Asia.
Botanical description of the genus: One-, two- or perennial herbs, less often subshrubs. Inflorescences are racemose. The flowers are small, the petals are usually white. Fruit - pod
A total of 8 plant species have been registered. Stubendorfia wingless, Stubendorfia Bochantsev, Stubendorfia arcuernerva, Stubendorfia thin, Stubendorfia of Lipsky, Stubendorfia of Olga, Stubendorfia eastern, Stubendorfia alatafruitous
Interesting facts: Another name for the genus is Lepidium (bedbug flower). This name comes from the species Lepidium ruderale , which has a strong unpleasant odor and is used as a remedy for bedbugs.
Source of information: https://openfito.ru/rod-list/rod/2642
Stubendorfia arcunervia (Stubendorffia curvinervia)Genus: Stubendorffia-Family: Brassicaceae-Order: Brassicales-Class: Magnoliopsida
Botanical description of the species: Perennial herbaceous plant. The root is thick. The root collar is tightly covered with the remains of leaves. The stem is about 70 cm in height, erect, branched. Leaves are leathery, green, entire, with strongly protruding longitudinal veins, basal leaves about 25 cm long, 11 cm wide, short-petiolate, broadly oblong-oval, wedge-shaped at the apex and at the base; stem ones are smaller, sessile, semi-stem-encompassing without ears, decumbent. The inflorescence is arranged, multi-flowered. Pods are about 3 cm long, 2 cm wide, flattened, obovate, broadly winged, not swollen, pointed at the apex, often single-seeded, hanging on bent thin, about 15 mm long flower-pods.
legs. The stigma is sessile. The embryo is marginal. Distribution: Alai ridge (Osh region). Blooms in V; bears fruit in VI.
Source of information: Flora of the Kirghiz SSR Key to plants of the Kirghiz SSR volume 6
Scutellaria nepetoides Scutellaria is a large genus of herbaceous plants in the Lamiaceae or Labiatae family.
Distribution in Kyrgyzstan. Alai ridge.
General distribution. Endemic .
Botanical description of the species: A perennial with a taproot and branched, rooting caudex branches. The stems are numerous, prostrate, 5-12 cm long, gray with dense pubescence of protruding hairs. Leaves are 5-10 mm long, broadly ovate, on short petioles, with an almost heart-shaped base, 3-5 crenate along the edge, with depressed veins on top, gray-green with semi-appressed pubescence. Flowers in apical spikes, initially shortened, with fruits lengthening to 5 cm. Bracts leaves about 7 mm long, 3 mm wide, herbaceous, oblong-lanceolate, boat-shaped, sharp, slightly tomentose. The pedicels are equal in length to the calyx and along with it are short fluffy. The appendage of the calyx is small, ovoid. Corolla 1.2-1.5 cm long, reddish-yellow, with purple-pink dots, fluffy on the outside. The fruits are small nuts, obovate, rounded on the back, with an oblong protrusion on the ventral side, appressed, stellate-hairy.
Phenology. Blooms in May-June, bears fruit in July.
Ecology. It grows in rocky habitats, among juniper forests at altitudes of 1200-1500 m above sea level. u. m.
Cultivation. No information available .
Meaning. Ornamental plant.
Security in Kyrgyzstan. Included in the Red Book (2007).
Information sources. Abdullaeva (1987). Lazkov (2006), expedition data.
Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) – FAO . Ankara, 2015
Zinaida's Eremurus ( Eremurus zenaidae)Eremurus is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Asphodelaceae subfamily of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family.
Distribution in Kyrgyzstan. Fergana and eastern part of the Alai ranges .
General distribution. Endemic.
Botanical description of the species: The roots are fusiform-thickened, 6-7 mm in diameter. Leaves are broadly linear, outer leaves are 6-30 mm wide, glabrous or rough along the edges. Stem 50-80 cm high, glabrous. The inflorescence is cylindrical, multi-flowered, dense. The bracts are narrow-triangular, long-pointed, hairy-ciliated. Pedicels are 10-12 mm long, with fruits arcuate. The bell-shaped perianth leaves are 10 mm long, violet-brown along the back, white along the edge, curled after flowering. The capsule is round and smooth.
Phenology. Blooms in June, bears fruit in July .
Ecology. It grows in thickets of xerophilic shrubs and among semi-savannoid groups, at an altitude of about 1300 m above sea level. u. m.
Cultivation. No information available.
Meaning. Rare ornamental plant .
Security in Kyrgyzstan. Included in the Red Book (2007).
Information sources . Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) – FAO. Ankara, 2015