Species that initiated the designation of the KBA [and other globally threatened species that are present in the KBA but have not been confirmed to meet the global KBA criteria]: Panthera uncia, Asterothamnus schischkinii, Astragalus dschangartensis, Artemisia saposhnikovii, Artemisia nigricans, Chorispora insignis, Cuscuta syrtorum, Oxytropis chantengriensis, Oxytropis piceetorum, Saussurea involucrata, Saussurea kara-artscha, Seseli kaschgaricum, Sibiraea tianschanica, Taraxacum syrtorum.
Snow leopard ( Panthera uncia )Status: III . Critically Endangered, CR C2a( i ): R, C1.
The distribution is general throughout the country. Found in 12 mountainous countries in Asia. In Kyrgyzstan - on the Pskem , Chandalash , Talas, Kyrgyz, Suusamyr , Chatkal , Fergana, Turkestan, Alay ranges, as well as Kungey and Teskey Ala- Too , Naryn- Too , Moldo - Too , At-Bashi, Sary-Jaz and Kokshaal -Too .
Habitats. In the alpine and subalpine landscape zones at an altitude of 3 to 4 thousand m, it prefers a moderately dissected topography with individual hills for viewing and shelters in the form of stones and clumps of shrubs (karagana, juniper). The forest belt is usually visited when moving from one river valley to another. In winter, it is also found in the upper forest zone, following mountain goats.
Number. It was considered a common species on many mountain ranges, the total number at the beginning of the 80s was estimated at 1400 individuals, according to E. Koshkarev - at 600-700 individuals, but not more than 1000. Over the past 10-12 years, the number of the species has decreased by 5-10 times and continues to decrease, currently it does not exceed 150–250 individuals [20]. The highest density is in the highlands of the Northern Tien Shan, approximately the same in the Alai, Inner and Central Tien Shan, and the lowest in the Western Tien Shan [19]. The world population of the species is 5-7 thousand individuals.
Lifestyle (life cycles). Lives sedentary. Active during twilight and night hours, in winter and spring, when ungulates are active during the day, also found during daylight hours. The rut is in February-March, the pregnancy of females lasts 98¬103 days, there are 1-3 cubs in a litter (very rarely - up to 5). The female gives birth once every 2 years, sexual maturity occurs at the age of two. The main prey is mountain goats, argali, marmots, less often - roe deer, deer, wild boars, hares, snowcocks, and chukars. The diseases are poorly studied; cases of rabies and scabies are known.
Limiting factors. Anthropogenic: permitted fishing (late 19th – early 20th centuries); development of sheep breeding and development of mountains, poaching.
Breeding (keeping in captivity). It is well bred in many zoos around the world, with a total number of at least 700 individuals, including 6 zoos in the CIS.
Existing security measures. Hunting on the territory of Kyrgyzstan has been prohibited since 1948; since 1959, legal liability has been established for hunting and catching without licenses. Listed in the International CC and Appendix 1 of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna. Since 1975, it has been included in the List of Specially Protected Species of Kyrgyzstan. It is protected on the territory of the Sarychelek , Besharal , Naryn, Karatal- Zhapyryk , Sarychat-Ertash (created in 1993 primarily for this species) reserves, as well as in the Alaarchinsky , Karakol and Chonkeminsky national natural parks.
Recommended security measures. Creation of a protected area in Alai. Strengthening the promotion of species protection among the local population, strengthening protection and implementing the relevant articles of the Law on the Protection of Wildlife of Kyrgyzstan (2000).
Sources of information: Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic. 2nd edition – Bishkek, 2007
Shishkin 's asterothamnus ( Asterothamnus schischkinii )Genus: Asterothamnus - family: Asteraceae - order: Asterothamnus - class: Dicotyledonous < division : Floral.
Zoning: Central Asia, Mongolia, South America. Its native range is from Central Asia to Southwestern Siberia and Northern China.
Habitat: deserted steppes, gravelly screes, river beds.
Botanical description of the genus: There are 7 (according to some sources, 8) species in the genus. These are herbaceous perennials and subshrubs.
Growing in culture: For Asterothamnus require well-drained soil and full sunlight. Special care considerations include protecting plants from extreme cold and ensuring minimal moisture retention to prevent root rot.
Sources of information : https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/25748
Photo source: https://www.gbif.org/tools/zoom/simple.html?src=//api.gbif.org/v1/image/cache/occurrence/1799053112/media/f5140333fc550a2876fa0ff77abe403b
Dzhangartian Astragalus ( Astragalus dschangartensis )Genus: Astragalus - family: Legumes - order: Legumes - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere.
Botanical description of the genus: Annual, biennial, perennial subshrubs and shrubs. The leaves are pinnate. Flowers in short racemes. There are more than 2000 species of astragalus
Botanical description of the species: Flowers: perianth zygomorphic; number of petals 5; inflorescence raceme.
External signs of leaves: leaves are compound; the division is pinnate; orders of complexity 1; petiole attachment; there is no division. Differences between shoots: The leaf arrangement on the shoot is regular . Fruits: dry type; dry pod or bean.
Information sources: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/25748
Photo source : https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/4930.html
Sapozhnikov's wormwood ( Artemisia saposhnikovii ) Genus: Artemisia - family: Compositae - order: Astroraceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Floral.
Zoning: The most common wormwoods are in the steppes and deserts of Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, the South-East of European Russia and Ukraine.
Botanical description of the species: Flowers: size up to 1 cm; perianth actinomorphic, inconspicuous, petalous; number of petals 5; inflorescence basket. External signs of leaves: leaves are simple; round, ovoid shape. Differences in shoots: shoots are erect; leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate ; placement of leaves along the length of the stem. Fruits: dry type; dry achene.
Interesting facts: The botanical Latin name “Artemisia” is derived from the ancient Greek name for wormwood - ἀρτεμισί α, which is associated with the word ἀρτεμής - “healthy”, or with the name of the goddess Artemis, Ἄρτεμις .
Information sources: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/25276
Photo source : https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/4055.html
Blackening wormwood ( Artemisia nigricans )Genus: Artemisia - family: Compositae - order: Astroraceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Floral.
Botanical description of the species: Flowers: size up to 1 cm; perianth actinomorphic, inconspicuous, petalous; number of petals 5; inflorescence basket. External signs of leaves: leaves are simple; round, ovoid shape. Differences between shoots: shoots are erect; leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate ; placement of leaves along the length of the stem. Fruits: dry type; dry achene.
Interesting facts: In folk medicine, wormwood occupies one of the most honorable places and is used in a large number of recipes. Traditionally, wormwood is considered a strong insecticide and repellent, helping the gardener kill or repel flying and crawling insects or larvae. The repellent effect of wormwood becomes quite noticeable if you prepare an infusion. Indispensable in organic gardening to combat ants. It is enough to water the area where the ants have set up an anthill several times with the already mentioned infusion, and it loses any attractiveness for them. You can plant wormwood directly under a tree or bush within the tree trunk circle.
Information sources: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/25276
Chorispora wonderful ( Chorispora insignis )Genus: Chorispora - family: Brassicas - order: Caperaceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Regionalization: Mediterranean, Western and Central Asia. Annuals and perennials with whole or pinnate leaves.
Botanical description of the genus: Chorispora (lat. Chorispora ) are annual or perennial herbaceous plants, pubescent with simple and glandular hairs. There are 10 species in the genus.
Botanical description of the species: Flowers: actinomorphic perianth; number of petals 4.
External signs of leaves: leaves are simple. Differences in shoots: leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate . Fruit: dry pod or bean; dry type.
Sources of information : https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/25276
Syrt dodder ( Cuscuta syrtorum ) Genus: Cuscuta - family: Convolvulaceae - order: Solanales- class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Distribution: Widely distributed . It parasitizes weeds, forage grasses, vegetables and melons, potatoes, flax, jute, kenaf, trees and shrubs.
Botanical description of the species: Life form: grass, terrestrial, annual, liana-like.
Flowers: perianth sprotnopetalny; number of petals 4, 5; size up to 1 cm; perianth actinomorphic. Differences in shoots: shoots are climbing or climbing. Fruits: dry type; dry box.
Interesting facts: Dodder is a genus of parasitic plants, all species of which are classified as quarantine weeds. By disrupting the metabolism of plants, the parasite greatly weakens them, retards growth and development, and often causes death. More than two hundred species of dodder have been described. Immature dodder seeds germinate faster than mature ones. Seeds remain viable in the soil for 8-10 years and do not lose it when passing through the digestive tract of animals.
Dodders reduce plant yields and product quality. Grasses cut for hay and infected with dodder become moldy and, when fed to animals, cause diseases. Dodder is also a carrier of viral plant diseases. Dodder is controlled by strict plant quarantine, maintaining a crop rotation system, using plant protection products, and thoroughly cleaning the seed.
Information sources: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/25276
Photo sources: https://dzen.ru/a/YIV6ZjtzW1L4Gddu
Huntengrin's oxytropis ( Oxytropis chantengriensis )Genus: Leguminaceae - family: Legumes - order: Legumes - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Botanical description of the species: Herbaceous plant, life form - rosette.
Flowers: perianth zygomorphic; number of petals 5; inflorescence raceme. External signs of leaves: elongated shape; the division is pinnate; orders of complexity 1; petiole attachment; there is no division; smooth edge; leaves are compound; stipule or trumpet appendages; oval or elliptical shape. Differences in shoots: leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate .
Fruits: dry type; dry pod or bean; color with shades of brown.
Interesting facts: In Mongolian folk medicine, healers prepared a remedy for curing anthrax from the herb. The use of the plant requires special caution, since inhalation of vapors or a decoction of this plant may cause dizziness and drowsiness. However, official medicine does not use ostracism, and it is not included in the pharmacopoeial list. There are also a number of contraindications for the use of drugs based on this representative of the flora, since the plant is poisonous. Hollyworts are also used in landscape design as decorative ones.
Sources of information : https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/25276
Spruce oxytropis ( Oxytropis piceetorum )Genus: Leguminaceae - family: Legumes - order: Legumes - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering
Botanical description of the species: Herbaceous plant, life form - rosette. Flowers: perianth zygomorphic; number of petals 5; inflorescence raceme. External signs of leaves: elongated shape; the division is pinnate; orders of complexity 1; petiole attachment; there is no division; smooth edge; leaves are compound; stipule or trumpet appendages; oval or elliptical shape. Differences in shoots: leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate . Fruits: dry type; dry pod or bean; color with shades of brown.
Meaning: decorative.
Sources of information : https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/25276
Saussurea involucrate )Genus: Saussurea - family: Compositae - order: Asteraceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Floral .
Status. A rare species, endemic to South-Eastern Altai, South-Western Tuva and North-Western Mongolia. The species is included in the Red Book of the Altai Republic. The plant needs protection.
Zoning: Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Northern and Central Tien Shan. Distributed in Eastern Siberia (east of the Angaro -Sayan region).
Botanical description of the species:
Saussurea involucra is a perennial herbaceous plant 10-35 cm high. The root collar is tow-like from the fibrous dissected remains of last year's leaves. Stems 10(13)-25(35) cm long, 2-3 cm thick, hollow, densely leafy , fleshy, glabrous. Differences in shoots: leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate ; placement of leaves along the length of the stem. The basal and stem leaves are leathery, oblong, up to 14 cm long, up to 2.5 cm wide, sessile, semi-stem-encompassing. The baskets are sessile, numbering 10-20, forming an inflorescence in the form of a dense ball at the top of the stem, immersed in the bracts . The flowers are dirty purple, about 1.4 cm long, the achene is brown, glabrous, ribbed.
Blooms in July-August.
Habitat. In the high mountain zone on rocky tundra, on rocky and gravelly slopes, pebbles of ancient moraines at an altitude of 2100-3000 m above sea level.
Meaning: Saussurea is an adaptogen, it increases the body's resistance to tuberculosis infection. Leaves and inflorescences are used for medicinal purposes. Leaves and inflorescences are used in Mongolian medicine as part of complex recipes for pulmonary tuberculosis and bone tuberculosis.
Information sources: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/54907
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/33799.html
Saussurea kara - artscha Genus: Saussurea - family : Compositae - order: Astroraceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Floral.
Regionalization: Asia, North America.
Botanical description of the species: Life form: grass, terrestrial. Flowers: main color violet or lilac; size 2 cm; perianth actinomorphic, petalous; number of petals 5, 6 or more; inflorescence basket. External signs of leaves: leaves are simple. Differences in shoots: leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate ; placement of leaves along the length of the stem. Fruits: appendages hairs or tuft; dry type; dry achene.
Ecology: Flowering in summer-autumn.
Cultivation: the plant requires light and partial shade, as well as well-drained soil. Reproduction is by spring division of rhizomes and seeds. Sowing is done before winter or spring.
Sources of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/54907
Kashgar Seseli ( Seseli kaschgaricum )Genus: Gill - family: Celeryaceae - order: Araliaceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Zoning: Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Northern and Central Tien Shan.
Botanical description of the species: Flowers: actinomorphic perianth; number of petals 5; inflorescence umbrella. Differences in shoots: leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate . Fruits: dry yellow carp; dry type; dry achene.
Interesting facts: Most types of gillweed are classified as essential oil plants and are good honey plants. Common names are suzik or crane grass. The roots, stems and leaves of the gill are used in the treatment of tumors of various types. Tinctures of the aerial parts of the culture help cope with toothache, cramps, fever, suffocation and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sources of information : https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/54907 https://vk.com/wall-150503450_33540 https://fialka.tomsk.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=38184
Sibiraea tianschanica Status: CR. Endemic, ornamental and rare Northern Tien Shan plant.
The distribution throughout the country and in general. Northern Tien Shan (Ketmen, Zailiysky , Kungey and Terskey Alatau ranges). In Kyrgyzstan - the upper reaches of the Kyok-Jar ( Terskey Ala- Too ) and Syutty -Bulak ( Kungey Ala- Too ) rivers.
Botanical description of the species: Low shrub up to 0.5 m in height, with thick dark brown stems. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate, sessile, 2 - 6 cm long and 4 - 8 cm wide, with a sharp apex ending in a short point, glabrous towards the base, sometimes with ciliated edges. Flowers 5 mm in diameter are collected in racemes 2.5 cm long, sit tightly on a thin axis, and the racemes are collected in a panicle, the lower ones on pedicels 0.5 - 3 mm in length. The axes of the inflorescences are peduncles and hypanthium with dense and long pubescence. Leaflets are glabrous, up to 4 mm long and 2 mm wide.
Features of biology. Reproduction is by seed and vegetative. Blooms in VI and bears fruit in VIII.
Places of growth. Upper mountain belt: thickets of shrubs and elfin juniper, clearings in sparse spruce forests, cryophytic medium-grass (subalpine) and short-grass (alpine) meadows. Found alone and in small groups.
Number. No information available.
Limiting factors. Suffers from excessive pressure on pastures when grazing livestock. Shoots and undergrowth are almost absent.
Cultivation. It was repeatedly tested in the arboretum-reserve of the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz SSR. When sowing in autumn, seedlings appear in April. With the onset of high temperature and dry air, they die.
Existing security measures. Included in the Red Book of the Kazakh SSR (1981), the Red Book of the Kirghiz SSR (1985).
Recommended security measures. Organize a botanical reserve in the upper reaches of the river. Kök-Jar . In other areas it is necessary to bring the species' populations under control.
Source of information : https://open.kg/about-kyrgyzstan/nature/red-book/fungi-and-higher-plants/31764-sibirka-tyanshanskaya-tyanshan-sibirchisi-tien-shan-sibiraea.html
Photo source : https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/35579.html
Syrt dandelion ( Taraxacum syrtorum )Genus: Dandelion - family: Asteraceae - order: Asteraceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Floral
Zoning: The plant thrives in temperate regions and can be found in yards, gardens, roadsides, crops and many other habitats.
Botanical description of the genus: Typically, the leaves are 50-250 mm long, simple, lobate-pinnately dissected and form a basal rosette above a central tap root. The flower heads are yellow-orange in color and are open during the day but closed at night. The heads grow singly on a broken stem (petiole), which is usually leafless and rises 10-100 mm above the leaves. The stems and leaves release white, milky latex when broken. The rosette can produce several flowering stems at the same time. The flower heads are 20-50 mm in diameter and consist entirely of ray inflorescences.
The flower heads mature into spherical seed heads containing many single-seeded fruits called achenes. Each achene is attached to a papilloma of thin hair-like material that allows it to be disseminated over long distances by the wind.
Meaning: Dandelions are one of the most important early spring nectar sources for a wide range of pollinators.
Sources of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/70252
Photo source : https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/2181.html