Species that initiated the designation of KBA [and other globally threatened species that are present in the KBA but have not been confirmed to meet the global KBA criteria]: Acantholimon knorringianum. Astragalus irisuensis. Campanula eugeniae, Chesneya quinata, Elisanthe fedtschenkoana, Exochorda tianschanica, Hedysarum chaitocarpum, Onosma brevipilosa, Oxytropis masarensis, Pseudosedum ferganense. Primula eugeniae. Salvia schmalhausenii, Scutellaria knorringiae, Scutellaria xanthosiphon, Tanacetopsis ferganensis, [Pyrus korshinskyi]
Astragalus irisui ( Astragalus irisuensis)Astragalus is the largest genus in the Legume family. 2,455 plant species have a common name.
They are perennial plants or subshrubs that grow primarily in the temperate biome.
Astragalus are widespread in China, Mongolia, and Central Asia. In Kyrgyzstan, the predominance of species of the genus Astragalus (Astragalus) is noted - 169 species. Most astragals have not been studied at all. Many species of astragalus are food plants. Among the astragals there are melliferous and medicinal plants.
Botanical description of the species: The native range of Astragalus irisui is the south of Kyrgyzstan.
Flowers: perianth - zygomorphic; number of petals - 5; inflorescence - brush.
External signs of leaves: leaves - complex; division - pinnate; orders of complexity - 1; attachment - petiolate; division - absent.
Differences in shoots: the leaf arrangement on the shoot is regular.
Fruits: dry type; dry pod or bean.
Interesting Facts: The Latin name "Astragalus" is derived from the Greek word for the dice that the seeds resemble. Astragalus is often called the herb of life of Kremlin leaders. According to rumors, this plant helped them look younger than their age until they were old.
Astragalus became widely known after the 70s of the twentieth century, when scientists started talking about its healing properties and established the exact chemical composition.
Source of information:https://vitgid.ru/pitanie/superfoods/travy/astragalus/astragal/
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/610400.html
Eugenia's Bellflower (Campanula eugeniae) Status: vulnerable species (Vulnerable)
Brief description. Perennial almost bare with a branched rhizome. Branches of caudex are covered with short remnants of leaf petioles, bearing loose rosettes of leaves and flowered stems. Leaves of rosette shoots 8-10 cm long, with lancet, blades half as long as filiform petioles, smooth-margin or scattered and indistinctly creviced and bare. Stems are 10-15 cm tall and one-, rarely two-flowered. Flowers are erect or drooping, 1,5 cm long. Calyx is obconical with narrowly linear teeth, a little bit shorter than narrowly bell-shaped corolla, shallowly divided into sharp triangular lobes. The column is not showing off. Pod is short, roundish, opens with holes at the base.
Phenology. Blooms in August, fruits in September.
Ecology. Grows on limestone rocks, in cracks of marble rocks, in subalpine and middle mountain belts at altitudes of 1800-2800 m above sea level. Distribution in Kyrgyzstan. Talas, Fergana and Chatkal ranges.
General spreading. Endemic. Endemic species of the Western Tien Shan.
Cultivation. No information is available.
Designation. Ornamental plant.
Protection in Kyrgyzstan. Listed in the Red Data Book (2007).
Information and photo source: Li (1987). Lazkov (2006), expedition data.
Lazkov et al. (2006), expedition data. Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) - FAO. Ankara, 2015.
Exochorda tianschanicaOther names: Tien Shan string carp.
Zoning: Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Western Tien Shan. A very rare species, protected in nature reserves.
Botanic description of the genus: This is the most graceful bush of all exochords. She has the longest flower brush, on which there are 15-18 small white flowers. This is a perennial beautifully flowering shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae family.
Exochorda is a drought-resistant plant. But it has low winter hardiness. The shoots have time to ripen by winter, but in frostier winters the branches may freeze to the level of the snow cover, which delays flowering.
Botanical description of the species:
Zoning: Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Western Tien Shan.
This species is very rare and is protected in nature reserves. This is the most graceful bush of all exochords. She has the longest flower brush, on which there are 15-18 small white flowers. But this plant has low winter hardiness. The shoots have time to ripen by winter, but in frostier winters the branches may freeze to the level of the snow cover, which delays flowering. Carpal inflorescences are the longest of all exochords, consisting of 15-18 small whitish flowers.
Interesting facts: Name: from the Greek 'exo' - external; 'chorde' - string, chord; for the fibers covering the placenta.
Sources of information: https://vybor-spb.ru/ekzohorda/
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/82488.html
Geranium Sofia (Geranium sophiae)Genus: Geranium < family: Geraniaceae < order: Geraniaceae < class: Dicotyledonous < division: Flowering. Life form is grass, terrestrial.
Botanical description of the species:
The rhizome is covered with brownish remains of leaf petioles and stipules. Stems are 2-5 cm tall, densely pubescent. The leaves are almost all basal, with blades 2-3 cm in diameter, divided almost to the base into 5-7 overlapping incised lobes, densely short-haired, on petioles up to 10 cm long. Peduncles up to 5 cm long, densely pubescent. Pedicels 2-3 cm long. Sepals are about 1 cm long, lanceolate, with a short spine at the apex. Petals are pink or purple, obovate, up to 2.5 cm long. Fruits: color with shades of brown; dry type; dry box.
Phenology. Blooms in July-August, bears fruit in August-September.
Ecology. It grows on rocky screes at an altitude of 3000-3500 m above sea level. Distribution in Kyrgyzstan. Talas and Fergana ranges.
General distribution. Endemic.
Cultivation. No information available. Meaning. Rare ornamental plant.
Security in Kyrgyzstan. No security measures were taken.
Sources of information and photos: Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) – FAO. Ankara, 2015
Hedysarum chaitocarpumStatus: EN. A relict endemic species found in walnut-fruit forests.
Botanical description of the genus. Perennial, up to 60 cm in height, herbaceous plant with bare stems and fused stipules. Leaflets 3-8 paired, oblong or elliptical, up to 45 mm long, up to 22 mm wide. The inflorescence is a dense raceme of 20-30 flowers. The calyx is much shorter than the corolla, the corolla is up to 22 mm long, pink-purple, the bean has 3-5 segments. The surface of the fruit is transversely ribbed, covered with short, thin bristles. There are individuals in which the setae on the fruits are not developed.
Features of biology. Flowers VI, fruits VII-VIII. Propagated by seeds.
The distribution is general throughout the country. Chatkal, Uzun-Akhmat, Fergana and Alai ranges (Achinsky, Gava forestry enterprises, Sary-Chelek reserve, Kara-Shoro river basin, near the waterfall in Arslanbab).
Growing conditions. Walnut and other broad-leaved forests, shrubs, tall grass meadows, extends into the subalpine zone.
Number. It occurs very rarely in groups, in most cases - alone. It was once widespread.
Limiting factors. Anthropogenic impact in general on forests and haymaking.
Cultivation. No information.
Existing protection measures: Special protection measures have not been developed and are included in the Red Book of the Kyrgyz SSR.
Recommended security measures. Count the population, clarify the habitat, organize botanical reserves in places of greatest concentration of the population. Introduction to culture.
Source of information: https://open.kg/about-kyrgyzstan/nature/red-book/fungi-and-higher-plants/31789-kopeechnik-schetinoplodnyy-memesu-tuktuu-tyyynchanak-chaeto-fruited-sweet-broom.html
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/121563.html
Juno Zinaida (Juno zenaida)Short description. Roots are fusiform. Bulb 1.5–1.8 cm in diameter, ovoid, covered with leathery, continuous dark brown shells. The leaves are slightly curved, lower 0.6–0.8 cm wide. Flowers in number 1–2; 4–5 cm in diameter. Perianth tube 3.5–4.0 cm long. The outer tepals are pale violet-gray or pale violet-yellowish, with a dark purple spot (in yellowish forms - brownish) at the tip of the plate of the outer petals and a yellow spot closer to the center of the flower; crest 0.9–1.1 cm long, yellow, slightly serrated. Inner tepals recurved downward, 1.0–2.0 cm long, lanceolate, with an elongated tip or 3-toothed.
Phenology. Blossoms in late March-April, bears fruit in June.
Ecology. Grows in groups of xerophilous shrubs (shibliaka), at altitudes of 800-1300 m above sea level. y. m.
Distribution in Kyrgyzstan. Chatkal and Fergana ranges. General distribution. Uzbekistan.
Cultivation. Cultivated in some private nurseries. Meaning. Rare decorative plant.
Security in Kyrgyzstan. No security measures were taken. Information sources. Lazkov, Naumenko (2014).
Source: Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) - FAO. Ankara, 2015.
Short-haired onosma (Onosma brevipilosa)Genus: Onosma < family: Borageaceae < order: Borageaceae < class: Dicotyledonous < division: Flowering.
Botanical description of the genus: The life form is a subshrub up to 40 cm high. The structure of the root system is characteristic, it is represented by the main root system, in the upper part of the main root a branched caudex is formed, covered with the remains of dead leaves, it is a set of lower perennial parts of shoots of renewal of increasing order in herbaceous taproot perennials .
The shoot is elongated, erect. Differences between the shoots: the leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate.
The leaf arrangement is regular. The leaf is simple, sessile; there is no division; the attachment is sessile; the edge is smooth.
The inflorescence is apical. Flowers: perianth actinomorphic, fused-petalled; number of petals 5; inflorescence curl. The stem has characteristic pubescence.
Fruits: dry type; dry nut.
Interesting Facts:
For medicinal purposes, different types of onosma are actively used in both official and traditional medicine. The medicinal raw materials are the leaves, flowers and stems of the plant. Thanks to the components included in the chemical composition of the herb, onosma has a pronounced sedative, hypotensive, diuretic effect, lowers blood pressure, and calms the central nervous system.
Sources of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/46754
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/112365.htm
Oxytropis masarensisGenus: Oxytropis < family: Legumes < order: Legumes < class: Dicotyledonous < division: Flowering.
Life form: grass, terrestrial, rosette. Oxytropis can also be found in botany literature under the name Ostrolodka (Russian). This representative of the flora belongs to the subfamily Moths (Faboideae), which is part of the large family Legumes (Fabaceae).
Botanical description of the genus: Herbaceous plant, life form - rosette.
Flowers: perianth zygomorphic; number of petals 5; inflorescence raceme.
External signs of leaves: shape - elongated; division - pinnate; order of complexity - 1; attachment - petiolate; division - absent; edge - smooth; leaves - compound; appendages - stipules or trumpets; shape - oval or elliptical. Differences in shoots: the leaf arrangement on the shoot is regular.
Fruits: dry type; dry pod or bean; color with shades of brown.
Interesting Facts:
Oxytropis is a perennial whose medicinal properties have long been known in folk medicine. Basically, a decoction is prepared from it, used for neuroses and neurasthenia, as well as to eliminate manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It has been noted to have a strong sedative and narcotic effect, as well as the ability to heal wounds, resist microbes and inflammation, and tone the body.
Sources: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/47489
Phlomoides Adylov ( Phlomoides adylovii)A species of dicotyledonous plants of the genus Phlomoides of the Lamiaceae family. It was first described by the botanist Georgy Anatolyevich Lazkov in 2004. The specific epithet is given in honor of Tishabay Adylov, an Uzbek botanist, researcher of the Phlomoides genus (Ognevik genus in Russian).
Spreading: Endemic of Kyrgyzstan.
Botanical description: Hemicryptophyte - a plant in which, during a period of the year that is unfavorable for vegetation, renewal buds remain at ground level. Buds can be protected by scales, and in winter by dead leaves and snow cover.
Perennial herbaceous plant 0.7-1 m high.
The stem is simple, glabrous, straight.
Leaves pubescent; the upper leaves are ovate or broadly lanceolate, the lower ones are ovate.
The inflorescence consists of three whorls with a large number (more than 50) flowers with a tubular calyx and a pink pubescent corolla.
Close to the species Phlomoides alaica, from which it differs in wider leaves, multi-flowered whorled inflorescence and pubescence of the calyx.
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/47369.html
Heart leaf phlomoides ( Phlomoides cordifolia)Other names: Pustynnokolosnik serdtselistnyy (Russian), Phlomoides woolifolia.
Genus: Zopniczek < family: Lamiaceae < order: Lamiaceae < class: Dicotyledonous < division: Flowering.
Botanical description of the species:
The native range of this species is Kyrgyzstan. It is a perennial plant that grows primarily in temperate biomes.
Flowers: perianth zygomorphic, fused-petaled; number of petals 5; inflorescence spike or whorled.
External signs of leaves: leaves are simple; there is no division; petiole attachment.
Differences in shoots: leaf arrangement on the shoot is opposite.
Fruits: dry type; dry nut.
Sources:https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/48865, https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:943602-1
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/97066.html
Pseudosedum Fergana (Pseudosedum ferganense)Zoning: Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Western Tien Shan and Karatau, Kyrgyzstan.
Description of the spesies. The stem is very short, simple or branching. Fruiting stems 1-3 in number, thin, straight or somewhat ascending, simple, 10-20 cm tall. Barren stems are densely leafy. The leaves are oblong, 0.8 cm long and 0.2 cm wide. Inflorescence many-flowered, umbellate-corymbose. Calyx up to 0.2 cm long. Corolla bell-funnel-shaped, pink, pale pink when dry.
Biological features: Flowering in May-June.
Sources of information: https://openfito.ru/vids/vid/51759
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/232127.html
Salvia Schmalhausen (Salvia schmalhausenii)Family: Lamiaceae
Botanical description of the species:
The roots are taprooted, woody, dark brown.
Stems are numerous, 40-60 cm tall. The lower leaves are 2-4 cm long, 1.0-1.2 cm wide, elliptical, wedge-shaped at the base, sharp at the apex, sparsely but coarsely toothed along the edges, glabrous at the top. The inflorescence is racemose, consisting of 4-6 widely spaced two-flowered false whorls. The calyx is 1-2 cm long, dissected at 1/3 of the length. Corolla purple 3.5-4.5 cm long; the upper lip is short, wide, flattened, notched; lower lip with wide, semi-rounded, bent lateral and obversely heart-shaped hanging middle lobe. The posterior stamens are transformed into staminodes. Stigma with two unequal lobes.
Phenology. Blooms in June-July, bears fruit in July-August.
Ecology. It grows in rocky habitats, among shrubs, at altitudes of 1900-2200 m above sea level. u. m.
Distribution in Kyrgyzstan. Chatkal and Fergana ranges.
General distribution. Endemic.
Cultivation. No information available.
Meaning. Ornamental plant.
Conservation in Kyrgyzstan. No conservation measures were taken.
Information sources. Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) – FAO. Ankara, 2015
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/695713.html
Scutellum yellowtube (Scutellaria xanthosiphon)Spreading: Fergana. Alai ridges. Subalpine meadows.
General distribution. Endemic.
Botanical description of the genus: Subshrub with woody rhizomes and roots. Several stems (2-5), 15-25 cm tall, from a slightly rising base, almost erect, woody in the lower part, slightly curved or twisting, simple, pale green, covered along the entire length with very small, dense and longer scattered, protruding hairs. Leaves are 1-3 cm long, 0.5-2 cm wide, ovate, approximately twice as long as their width, slightly narrowed or broadly wedge-shaped at the base, obtuse at the apex, shallowly irregularly serrated along the edge, with 6-9 teeth on each side , the lower of which are sometimes sharp; the rest are unequal, with an outer edge twice as long as the inner one, green on both sides, covered with scattered (more dense at the bottom) small hairs, with protruding veins below; petioles of the lower leaves are up to 1.5 cm long, the upper ones are shorter, pubescent like stems, but with longer and often denser hairs. Bracts 1.5-3 cm long, 0.6-2.1 cm wide, ovate or elliptic, pointed, leaf-shaped, green, covered with rather dense, simple, long, soft hairs on the outside over the entire surface and especially along the edge , usually with slightly protruding veins, the lower ones with several teeth.
The inflorescence is 3.5-6 cm long, loose. The calyx during flowering is about 3 mm long, densely hairy. Corolla about 3 cm long, bicolored, with a bright yellow tube and purple lips, very finely hairy and glandular on the outside Color VI
Source of information: https://djvu.online/file/F4HsUwI69s8GI - Key to plants of the Kirghiz SSR T.9. Family Lamiaceae.
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/695721.html
Silene Fetissov (Silene fetissovii)Silene is a flowering plant of the Clove family (Caryophyllaceae).
Botanical description of the genus: Annual or perennial herbs, rarely subshrubs. Stems erect or ascending, branched.
The leaves are opposite, sessile, lanceolate, linear, spatulate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate. Leaves and stems glabrous or hairy, glandular-pubescent.
Flowers are monoecious or dioecious, in dichasia collected in common paniculate or spike-shaped inflorescences, sometimes solitary; calyx cleft; corolla white, greenish, pink or purple, often with a rim; five petals; ovary usually with three columns. Bloom from May to autumn. Plants usually quickly complete the development cycle and produce a large number of seeds.
The fruit is a three-celled capsule. In 1 g up to 2200 seeds.
Plants of the genus Silene have a sticky resinous substance called "sticky snares" into which small insects fall.
Interesting Facts: Many types of Silene are used in folk medicine. Some of the species are decorative.
In English, Silene a is called a flycatcher. In Russian, depending on the type, it is a cracker (by the type of inflorescence) and a nap. The latter name is consistent with the use of decoction from this plant by the Xhosa people of South Africa. They collect Silene flowers that blooms under the full moon, take its extract and see strange dreams.
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/715935.html
Zhabritsa Korzhinsky (Seseli korshinskii) Status: EN. A rare endemic species found in small numbers and in a limited area. The species is of great scientific importance.
Description. Perennial, polycarpic, dark green plant 30-70 cm tall, with taproot. Caudex woody, densely covered with remnants of leaf petioles. Stems are rounded, branched from the base or middle. Basal leaves in a rosette, on petioles 3-10 cm long. Leaf blade up to 12 cm long, lanceolate in outline, pinnately dissected; segments 7-15 mm long, ovate or rhombic, on short petioles, shallowly lobed, unequally toothed, pubescent below, glabrous above. Stem leaves are reduced, the uppermost ones are reduced to sheaths. Umbrellas 4-6 cm in diameter, with 4-15 unequal, with fruits spaced, pubescent rays from the inside. Involucral leaflets 4-5 in number, linear-subulate, pubescent. Umbrellas 15-20-flowered, with unequal pedicels spaced at fruits. Involucral leaflets, 8-9 in number, similar to involucral leaflets. Petals are white, slightly notched, pubescent on the outside. Fruits up to 3.5 mm long, laterally compressed, short densely pubescent.
Features of biology. Blossoms in VII-VIII, bears fruit in VIII-IX.
The distribution is general and in the country. Mountains surrounding the Ketmen-Tube basin.
Places of growth. Stony-gravelly slopes, screes, limestones.
Number. Not installed. In habitats found in single specimens. limiting factors. Not known.
Cultivation. Not carried out.
Security measures are in place. Not guarded.
Protective measures are recommended. Create a botanical reserve in places with the highest concentration of plants.
Source: Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic. 2nd edition - Bishkek, 2007.
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/737312.html
Ungernia fergana ( Ungernia ferganica)Genus: Ungernia < family: Amaryllidaceae < order: Amaryllidaceae < class: Monocots < division: Flowering.
Botanical description of the species:
Life form: grass, terrestrial, ephemeroid, bulbous.
The bulbs are large, oblong-ovoid, 8-12 cm thick, with filmy, black-brown shells that continue at the neck. The stem is 10-20 cm tall, flattened. Differences in shoots: shoots are erect; The leaf arrangement on the shoot is regular.
External signs of leaves: leaves are simple; linear shape; there is no division; the attachment is sessile; the edge is smooth. Leaves number 8-15 are bluish. The inflorescence cover is torn into 2 parts. Inflorescence 5-15-flowered loose umbrella. Pedicels are unequal, 2-8 cm long, at the base with or without bracts. Flowers are 20-25 mm long. The tube is 2 times shorter than the bend. The tepals are narrow-lanceolate, pointed, creamy-pink with purple tips on the inside. Fruits: dry capsule; dry type. Box with widely heart-shaped valves, 3.0-3.5 cm in diameter.
Phenology. In spring and early summer, leaves develop, then, after a dormant period, leafless stems appear. It blooms in July-August, bears fruit in September-October.
Ecology. It grows in groups of variegated vegetation, in the belt of large-grass semi-savannas, at altitudes up to 2600 m above sea level. u. m.
Distribution in Kyrgyzstan. Fergana ridge. In the literature (Vvedensky, 1971b) it is indicated for the eastern part of the Alai Range.
General distribution. Endemic.
Cultivation. No information available.
Meaning. Rare ornamental plant. Promising as a medicinal drug.
Conservation in Kyrgyzstan. No conservation measures were taken.
Information sources: Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) – FAO. Ankara, 2015
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/item/39709.html
Niedzwetzky apple tree (Malus niedzwetzkyana)Status: VU. Very rare, endemic, endangered species, with a small quantity. Valuable species for selection.
Description. In nature, trees up to 4 - 7 m in height. The bark of perennial branches is reddish-brown, while annual branches are dark purple. The leaves are dense, dark green, 7-10 cm long with a reddish tinge. The flowers are bright purple 3 - 5 cm in diameter. The fruits are medium-sized, spherical, purple-red flesh is pinkish-purple. Seeds are dark brown with a raspberry hue. In plants from the Chatkal ridge, the peel of the fruit is partially corky.
Biological features: Spread by seeds and root shoots. Leaves unfold in the third decade III. Blossoms at the end of IV - beginning of V, fructifies in VIII - IX. Vegetation ends in the first decade of X. It is very winter-hardy.
General spreading and in the country: Western Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan), Western China (Xinjiang). Described from Mount Mashat (Syrdarya Karatau Range). In Kyrgyzstan, the Chatkal, Uzun-Akhmat and Fergana (southeastern part) ranges.
Places of growth. In the zone of walnut forests along the bottoms of the gorges and in the lower parts of the slopes. Number. Occurs singly.
limiting factors. Strengthened economic activity. Plants do not tolerate soil compaction during grazing. The fruits are eaten by animals, stopping seed renewal. When growing together with the Kirghiz and Sievers apple trees, its flowers are pollinated and the number of seed plant decreases.
Cultivation. It is widely cultivated in Kazakhstan under the name "Kuldzhinka". Wild plants are cultivated in the botanical gardens of Tashkent, Alma - Ata, Dushanbe, Moscow. In the Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, at the age of 22, she reached 7 m in height.
Existing protection measures: Included in the Red Book of the Kirghiz SSR (1985).
Protective measures are recommended. It is necessary to take into account plants growing in the gorges of the Aflatun and Kara-Suu rivers, in the Ak-Terek-Gava tract, the gorge of the Kara-Alma river. Organize a nursery for growing genetic planting material from seeds collected in wild plantations of the species.
Interesting facts: Nedzwiecky's apple tree got its name thanks to the botanist Nedzwiecki. He presented the fruits from the tree to Dr. Dick, who introduced this species into cultivation under the aforementioned name. The tree is unpretentious, decorative, grows on average up to 6 m, with a wide raised crown.
Frost resistance is high.
Nedzvetsky's apple tree is resistant to diseases.
Use as decorative species: Malus niedzwetzkyana – one of the most charming decorative types of apple trees, a feature of which is considered to be a rich dark pink bloom. In height, the tree reaches from 5 to 8 meters, while having a round or tent-shaped crown. The branches are smooth, purplish-brown at a young age, later becoming lilac-brown. Young leaves are purple in color, then, as they bloom, they become rich emerald, and the primary color remains only on the petioles. The plant blooms profusely and with a special chic, changing the color of the emerging flowers from rich purple to a delicate pink hue. The flowers are very fragrant. The fruits of the apple tree are dark red and small, slightly larger than cherries, their diameter does not exceed 2 cm. They differ little in taste from the traditional forest wild apple tree - they are just as juicy and sour. With the onset of frost, apples do not fall off and become much tastier, moreover, they change color to purple. The apple tree bears fruit on average up to 60 years.
Nedzwiecki's apple tree is decorative all year round. In mid-May, during flowering, it is abundantly covered with bright pink flowers and fills the entire garden with a delicate aroma. In summer, small, like toy, red apples appear and the foliage darkens. In autumn, the color of the leaves changes to a fiery crimson. And in winter, unpicked and already purple apples will fall like garlands from the flexible branches of this truly unique tree. In addition to the undoubted all-season decorative effect, the Nedzwiecki apple tree is resistant to both diseases and pests. It looks good in colorful compositions, like a blooming accent. Suitable for alley planting and as a tapeworm on the lawn. Suitable for urban landscaping, except for areas with heavy traffic.
Source: Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic. 2nd edition - Bishkek, 2007
Sievers apple tree (Malus sieversii)Status: Category LC. A mountainous Central Asian polymorphic species, a valuable element of the gene pool, one of the minor forest-forming and fruit species [61, 21, etc.]. The only species of flora in Kyrgyzstan, which is included in the International Red Book (IUCN RLTS, category VU B1 + 2c).
Description: Trees up to 3-5 m tall, with a compact crown. Branches with reddish-brown bark, or with gray, exfoliating. Shoots are lighter than those of M. niedzwetzkyana. Leaves dense to thin, up to 10 cm long. Flowers 2-5 per inflorescence, pale pink, 5.5-6.0 cm in diameter. Apples by 2-3 on the branch, flattened-spherical, 3-7 cm in diameter, green or yellowish, often with a purple blush. sweet-sour, dryish.
Biological features: Blossoms at the end of IV - beginning of V, fructifies in VII-IX. Propagated by seeds and root shoots. The species is usually low-growing, but winter-hardy and relatively unpretentious [61, 55, etc.].
General spreading and in the country: Mountains of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, South Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan), Northern Afghanistan, Xinjiang and the Tarbagatai Range. In Kyrgyzstan - the Kyrgyz ridges (northern slope), Talas (west), Suusamyr-Too (southern slope), Kavak-Too, Chatkal, Uzun-Akhmat, Atoinok, Fergana, Chatkal, Kichi and Chon-Kemin river basins; on Alai, except for the tract Turuk, and the Turkestan ranges is absent.
Places of growth. In the black forest belt, along the bottoms and slopes of gorges, at altitudes from 900 (usually from 1200 in Kyrgyzstan) to 2400 m a.s.l. y. m.
Quantity: Trees are located both separately and in relatively large groups in forests, almost throughout the entire range of the species on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. The areas of apple forests under the jurisdiction of the forestry authorities of the Republic, in which the Sievers apple is the main species, according to estimates for 2000, have an area of about 16.7 thousand hectares.
limiting factors: Economic activity, overgrazing. In a number of places of growth, trees are cut down for fuel, and are periodically severely affected by harmful insects.
Cultivation. It is widely cultivated in Central Asia and in the countries of the former USSR (to the north to Moscow and Kaliningrad), in Kyrgyzstan it is sometimes grown by local residents in household plots. It has been cultivated in the Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic since 1953. Apple trees grown from seeds and began to bear fruit at the age of 8.
Existing protection measures: The species was listed in the IUCN RLTS in 1994 as vulnerable on a global scale, and also in the Red Book of Kazakhstan in 1981 as declining in numbers. A number of habitats are located in protected areas in the Western Tien Shan (in Kyrgyzstan - in the reserves of Padysha-Ata, Sary-Chelek and Besh-Aral, as well as in the reserves of Dashman, Uzun-Akhmat, Iirisuy, etc.).
Protective measures are recommended. Take control of marginal populations (on the ridges of Suusamyr-Too, Kavak-Too, Alai), increase the amount of fines for the destruction of trees, as objects under the protection of the IUCN.
Source: Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic. 2nd edition - Bishkek, 2007
Pear Korzhinsky [Pyrus korshinskyi]Status: VU. One of three species growing on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. The taxon is unknown. Narrow local endemic of the Western Tien Shan. Valuable gene pool for selection of drought-resistant southern high-yielding varieties of pears.
Description: A tree with a spherical-spreading or elongated crown up to 10 - 12 m in height. Shoots are dark brown, young, pubescent in the first half of the growing season, then almost naked or naked. Leaves lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or tongue-shaped, 5-10 cm long, with the greatest width in the lower part, crenate-serrate along the edge. Flowers 2-2.5 cm in diameter, white, petals oblong-oval with a short nail. The fruits are broad pear-shaped, greenish-yellow, juicy, slightly astringent in taste.
Biological features: It belongs to the group of East Asian pears or their hybrids, which are characterized by a short dormant period, poor winter hardiness, high resistance to fungal diseases and drought resistance. Propagated by seeds and root shoots. The leaves unfold in the second and third decades of IV. Under natural conditions, it blooms in V, bears fruit at the end of VIII - IX. Leaf fall begins at the end of IX and does not end before the onset of winter.
General spreading and in the country: Western Tien Shan, Pamir-Alai (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan). In Kyrgyzstan - Chatkal and Fergana ranges.
Places of growth: Dry gravelly, gravel-stony and fine-earth slopes, along the banks of the sais, in the lower and middle belt of mountains within 1200-1700 m a.s.l.
Quantity: insignificant. Meets singly.
limiting factors: Felling fruit-bearing trees. Lack of seed renewal.
Cultivation. In the arboretum - reserve of the Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, it is grown from seeds collected in the vicinity of the village. Charvak, on the Ferghana Range in 1954. Adult specimens endure the winter satisfactorily.
Existing protection measures: It has been protected on the territory of the republic since 1975 in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Kirghiz SSR. Included in the Red Book of the Kirghiz SSR (1985).
Protective measures are recommended: Establish strict control over the number and condition of the species. All copies are to be protected.
Source: Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic. 2nd edition - Bishkek, 2007
Photo source: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/563291.html