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31.07.2024 Автор: admin 266 0

KGZ19 Leilek key biodiversity area

Species that initiated the designation of KBA [and other species under threat of global extinction, which are present in the KBA, but whose compliance with the global criteria of the KBA is not confirmed]: Acantholimon strictiforme, Astragalus neobotschantzevii, Seselopsis pusilla, Incarvillea olgae, Tulipa korolkowii, Corydalis pseudoadunca.

Acantholimon strictiforme

Genus: Acantholimon - family: Leadaceae - order: Leadaceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Zoning. The homeland of acantholimon is the steppe and mountainous regions of Armenia, Asia Minor, Tibet, the Mediterranean and the Caucasus.
Botanical description of the genus: Representatives of the genus are perennial evergreen subshrubs that form dense, hard, continuous cushions and carpets. The genus Acantholimon consists of 295 species of evergreen plants.
Acantholimons are distinguished by their height, which can reach from 30 centimeters to 1 meter. The root system is well developed, of a mixed type, which allows it to grow well on rocky and gravelly substrates. Stems erect, branched, woody at the base. The leaves are intense dark green, rather long, hard, and needle-shaped. Elastic needle-like leaves are collected in rosettes. Fitting tightly to each other, they form neat prickly pillows.
Flowers in one-sided spike-shaped inflorescences. The corolla color ranges from pale pink to bright pink. Acantholimons bloom from July to August.
Interesting Facts:
Acantholimon (lat. Acantholimon) is a genus of ground cover plants belonging to the family Plumbaginaceae. The name of the Greek etymology, “acanthos” - thorn, thorn and “leimon” - meadow, explains the life form of the plants.
Acantholimons are used in landscape design to create alpine slides and rocky gardens. In addition, the extract of these plants is used to treat wounds, burns and inflammatory processes on the skin. Acantholimones also have antibacterial properties and can be used as an antiseptic.
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Seselopsis small ( Seselopsis pusilla )

Genus: Seselopsis - Family: Apiaceae - Order: Apiales- Class: Magnoliopsida
Zoning: Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Pamir and Pamir-Alai.
urban range - from Central Asia to Xinjiang.
Secelopsis is a genus of flowering plants in the Apiaceae family.
Biological description of the species: Small Secelopsis (also called marsh grass) is a small annual herbaceous plant.
Seselopsis pusilla has small white flowers that grow in clusters. The seeds are small and black. The leaves are simple.
Meaning: Seselopsis pusilla is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a medicinal plant.
Species of the genus Seselopsis: Seselopsis pusilla Pimenov and Lavrova, Seselopsis tianschanica Schischk .
Herbarium photo sources: https :// plant . depo . msu . ru / open / public / item / MW 0595597
Digital herbarium of Moscow State University: Electronic resource. – M.: MSU, 2024.

Incarvillea Olga

Botanical description of the species: Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1.5 m tall. The leaves are pinnately dissected, the upper ones are entire. Flowers on the tops of stems in paniculate inflorescences. Pedicels 0.5-2.0 cm long. Calyx up to 5 mm long, with triangular teeth. The corolla is pink, 3-4 cm long, the tube is gradually widened, the limb has five slightly unequal lobes. The fruit is a long spindle-shaped multi-seeded capsule, up to 10 cm long. The seeds are flat with a wide wing.
Phenology. Blooms in June, bears fruit in August.
Ecology. Grows in rocky and pebble habitats, in pebble floodplains of rivers, at altitudes of 1000-1500 m above sea level. u. m.
Distribution in Kyrgyzstan . Alai ridge
General distribution . Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
Cultivation. Periodically cultivated in the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Meaning. Rare decorative species.
Security in Kyrgyzstan . Listed in the Red Book (2007).
Sources of information: Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) – FAO. Ankara, 2015
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Korolkow's tulip (Tulipa korolkowii)

Botanical description of the species: The bulbs are ovoid, 1-2 cm in diameter, with strong leathery, black, continuous, pubescent shells inside at the apex. Leaves: 3, oblong, 0.5-1.0 cm wide, often curly along the edge, glaucous, more or less spaced. Stem 10-20 cm high, glabrous. Flowers are solitary. Tepals 2-3 cm long, red, yellow or variegated, with a small spot at the base, obtuse, with a short, pubescent tip; The outer ones are rhombic or obovate, the inner ones are obovate. The stamens are 2.5 times shorter than the corolla. The filaments of the stamens are black or yellowish below, bare. The anthers are yellow, 1.5-2 times shorter than the filaments.
Phenology. Blooms in April, bears fruit in June.
Ecology. It grows in groups of variegated vegetation at altitudes of 700-1100 m above sea level. u. m.
Distribution in Kyrgyzstan. Alai, Turkestan and Chatkal ranges.
General distribution . Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. Cultivation.
Cultivated in the Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. Meaning. Rare ornamental plant.
Security in Kyrgyzstan . Included in the Red Book (2007).
Sources of information: Lazkov G.A., Umralina A.R. Endemics and rare plant species of Kyrgyzstan (Atlas) – FAO. Ankara, 2015
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Corydalis pseudoadunca

Genus: Corydalis - family: Dymyanaceae - order: Poppyaceae - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Zoning: Eurasia, North America, South Africa.
Annuals, biennials, perennials growing in forests and mountains. The leaves are usually trifoliate. The flowers are zygomorphic (irregular) with spurs, collected in more or less dense racemes. Reproduction is vegetative and seed.
Botanical description of the species: Perennial plant. Stems are 20 - 40 (80) cm in height, quite thick, strong. Differences in shoots: shoots are erect; leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate; placement of leaves along the length of the stem. The leaves are almost three times pinnately dissected with small oblong lobules; the plates are wide, the segments are on petioles, the lobes are sessile. The racemes at the base are branched or simple, rather long and pointed, the flowers are often located. Flowers: number of petals 4; perianth zygomorphic, with a spur; inflorescence raceme. Bracts linear-lanceolate, membranous, short. Pedicels 5 mm long, thin, strongly deflected when fruiting. Sepals are small, 1 mm long, membranous. The corolla is about 15 mm long, the outer petals are without pointed ends, the spur is short, straight, and blunt. The capsules are almost drooping, long, narrow. Blooms and bears fruit in VI-VIII. Reproduction is by seed.
Endemic species of the Pamir-Alai.
Distribution in Kyrgyzstan. Alai ridge, in the valley of the river. Taldy-Suu, Sufi-Kurgan, Olgin meadow, between Sufi-Kurgan and Ak-Bosoga, Taldyk pass; Trans-Alai ridge, at the source of Kyzyl-Suu.
Places of growth . On rocky slopes, gravelly cliffs, along river banks from the middle to upper mountain belt.
Security in Kyrgyzstan . The species is included in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan, 2006.
Plant use: decorative.
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Bochantsev’s new astragalus ( Astragalus Neobotschantzevii )

Genus: Astragalus - family: Legumes - order: Legumes - class: Dicotyledonous - division: Flowering.
Zoning: Astragalus primarily grows in temperate geographic areas, with some species found in the tropics and low mountains. The plant is widespread in China, Mongolia, and Central Asia. In Kyrgyzstan, the predominance of species of the genus Astragalus is noted - 169 species.
Botanical description of the species: Flowers: perianth zygomorphic; number of petals 5; inflorescence raceme. External signs of leaves: leaves are complex; the division is pinnate; orders of complexity 1; petiole attachment; there is no division. Differences between the shoots: the leaf arrangement on the shoot is alternate. Fruits: dry type; dry pod or bean.
Ecology: For centuries, astragals have inhabited deserts, semi-deserts, mountain slopes, forest edges and ravines. Depending on the proposed living conditions, the appearance of plants changed.
Interesting facts: The Latin name Astragalus is derived from the Greek word for the dice that the seeds resemble. Most astragals have not been studied at all. Many of them are forage plants and honey plants. The healing properties of this plant have been known since ancient times. Astragalus is used to treat hypertension, edema, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
Information sources: - medicinal properties of astragalus. Umralina A.R., Kim Dongwon Introduction to culture in in vitro endemic Astragalus duanensis Saposhn. Ex Sumn.

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