Country of residence: Kyrgyz Republic
Basic qualifications: Ecology – experience in conducting environmental research, conducting monitoring work, assessing the state of ecosystems. Knowledge of methods of geoinformation analysis of natural processes, objects and ecosystems. Promoting the principles of sustainable development and eco-tourism.
Scientific interests: Biology and ecology, tourism, environmental education, nature conservation, sustainable development, EIA, geoinformation technologies in ecology and biology, etc.
• Master’s degree in “Management and Marketing in Ecology” (direction of research activities – indicators of sustainable development of the Kyrgyz Republic)
• Individual membership in IUCN (IUCN WCPA), World Commission on Protected Areas (since October 2015);
• Individual membership in IUCN (IUCN CEM), Commission on Ecosystem Management (since October 2004);
• Member of the working group "Cartography and GIS for Sustainable Development" of the International Cartographic Association (from February 2008 to the present).
Positions (currently): Acting Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory Support Department at Adam University from 2019 to the present.
Social activity: Promotion and scientific support of the principles of micro-reservation (creation of micro-reserves) as one of the approaches to modern protection of ecosystems in Kyrgyzstan.
Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Environmental Movement "BIOM" (from 1996 to 2015). Implementation of environmental projects, representation of the Ecological Movement "BIOM" in national and international projects and programs.
Active participation in the preparation of national documents for international events in the field of sustainable development, namely RIO+10, RIO+20. Contributed to the development of such documents as the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Kyrgyz Republic for the period 2013-2017, approved by Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic dated January 21, 2013 No. 1. The Concept of Sustainable Development of the Kyrgyz Republic of 2000, Kyrgyzstan’s position on RIO+20, etc. Participated in the work of the working group to prepare the national review for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg (RIO+10). Within the framework of the interstate project (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan) of the World Bank “Conservation of biological diversity of the Western Tien Shan”, in the TACIS project component, he participated in the development of eco-tourism in the buffer zone of such reserves as Sary-Chelek, Besh-Aral, Padysh- Ata.
Publications: in total more than 40 publications, reports on various issues of ecology, tourism, environmental education and GIS support for environmental protection.
1. Guidelines for the creation and management of micro-reserves. / compiler. Domashov I.A. Sary-Bulun. 2023. 10 pp.
2. Floodplain ecosystems and protection of the Central Asian frog / compiler. Domashov I.A. 2020
3. Lee E., Domashov I., Manral U. The Role of Indigenous and Customary Knowledges in Nature-Culture Linkage. // Ishizawa, M., Inaba, Nobuko, Yoshida, Masahito, Eds. Proceedings of the Capacity Building Workshop on Nature-Culture Linkages in Heritage Conservation, Asia and the Pacific 2017. Sacred Landscapes. Journal of World Heritage Studies, University of Tsukuba, Japan: University of Tsukuba. 2018, р. 144-151
4. Domashov I. Western Tien-Shan World Heritage Site (Kyrgyz Part): From Traditional to Modern Management Challenges // Ishizawa, M., Inaba, Nobuko, Yoshida, Masahito, Eds. Proceedings of the Capacity Building Workshop on Nature-Culture Linkages in Heritage Conservation, Asia and the Pacific 2017. Sacred Landscapes. Journal of World Heritage Studies, University of Tsukuba, Japan: University of Tsukuba. 2018, р. 83- 88
5. Shukurov E.D., Domashov I.A. Key guidelines in monitoring biological diversity, using the example of local snow leopard populations //Солтүстік тянь-шань территориясындағы биоалуантүрлілікті сақтаудың өзекті мәселелері = Актуальные вопросы сохранения биоразнообразия северного тянь-шаня. «Көлсай көлдері» МҰТП-тің құрылуының 10 жылдығы мен халықаралық қар барысын қорғау күніне арналған Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференцияның материалдары. Саты, 23-24 қазан 2017 жыл – Алматы, 2017, c. 14-17
6. Use of automatic cameras in the study, monitoring and protection of snow leopards. Methodological guide for workers of environmental organizations, students of biological and environmental fields. Compiled by I.A. Domashov. Bishkek, “Iz-Basma” 2017, 36 p.
7. Nurzhanov E.K., Zhunusov U.T., Domashov I.A. Fundamentals of biometrics. Textbook for university students. Specialty: “Biology”, “Bioecology”, “Biotechnology”. (Russian language). Educational manual for university students. Bishkek 2016 56 p. (Russian, Kyrgyz)
8. Domashov I. Ecosystem approach as the basis of programs for the conservation of the snow leopard (Uncia uncia) and other large mammals in Kyrgyzstan. magazine: Science, new technologies and innovations. Publisher: Limited Liability Company "Science and New Technologies" (Bishkek) ISSN: 1694-7649. Number: 10 Year: 2015 Pages: 15-18. /
9. Shukurov E.J., Domashov I.A. Modern approaches to landscaping in the context of greening urban space / Collection of proceedings of the XI International Conference “Public Administration: Russian Federation in the Modern World”. M.: FGU MGU 2013.
10. Korotenko V.A., Domashov I.A. Urban ecoculture as the foundation for the conservation of biological diversity / Collection of proceedings of the XI International Conference “Public Administration: The Russian Federation in the Modern World”. M.: FGU MGU 2013.
11. Kirilenko A., Domashov I. Citizens’ rights to a favorable environment / Yearbook on human rights in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2012. – Human Rights Council. – Bishkek: Ltd, 2013. from 190 – 2005.
12. Korotenko V.A., Domashov I.A., Buyuklyanov A.I., Sharshenova A.A., Krivykh A.V., Kasymova R.O. Climate change and health: A manual for medical workers / Under the general editorship of Korotenko V.A., Sharshenova A.A. – Bishkek, 2013. – 88 p.
13. Sirmbard S.R., Adamkulova Ch.U., Bekoeva R.R., Suleymanova Sh.S., Domashov I.A., Toktosunov T.A. and others. Methodological recommendations for the design of state educational standards of Higher Professional Education based on the competency-based approach and the design on their basis of curricula and programs in universities of the Kyrgyz Republic. Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan, EdNet.B.2012
14. Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Central Asia (Chapter 7) Bocharnikov V., Laletin A.,.. Domashov I. at al / Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge. Sustaining Communities, Ecosystem and Biocultural Diversity. Editors J.A. Parrotta, R.L.Trosper. Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2012 pp 251 - 280
15. Shukurov E.J., Domashov I.A. Areas of potential forest growth and their territorial distribution in Kyrgyzstan / Conservation and reproduction of forests as an important environment-forming, climate-regulating factor: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the Honored Scientist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Peter Alekseevich Gan and the International Year forests – Bishkek: 2011. – pp. 26-35;
16. Shukurov E.J., Domashov I.A. Potential forest vegetation and its geographic distribution in Kyrgyzstan. In: Laletin A., Parrotta JA., Domashov I. (eds.) Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge, biodiversity conservation and sustainable forest management in Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia, vol 26. IUFRO World Series. International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO), Vienna 2011, pp 56-62;
17. Domashov I.A., Korotenko V.A., Kirilenko A.V., Postnova E.A. Household Ecology / Ed. ed. V.A. Korotenko. - B., 2004.
18. Korotenko V.A., Domashov I.A., Postnova E.A., Kirilenko A.V. School of Sustainable Development. Manual for teachers. /Under general ed. V.A. Korotenko. – B., 2003.
19. Postnova E. A., Korotenko V. A., Domashov I. A. In the workshop of the subject “Ecology” - a manual for teachers./Under the general. ed. V.A. Korotenko. - B.: 2003.
20. Concept of Continuous Environmental Education in the Kyrgyz Republic. Co-author (Approved based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Culture dated September 17, 2003).
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