29.01.2024 Автор: admin 694 0

KGZ11 Torkent-Kara-Zhygach key biodiversity area

Square: 16000 hectares.
KBA category: B1

Species that initiated the designation of KBA [and other globally threatened species that are present in the KBA but have not been confirmed to meet the global KBA criteria]: Polygonum toktogulicum, Pyrethrum sovetkinae, Pyrethrum sussamyrense, Salvia vvedenskyi, Scutellaria botbaevae

Protection areas: no
Settlements on the territory of the KBA: Bordu-Kiya
Adjacent to the territory of the KBA: Bel-Aldy, Sary-Sogot, Shilenkana, Kara-Dzhygach, Korgon, Torkent.

General description: The territory of the KBA is the foothills near the Toktogul reservoir with a predominance of deserts, semi-deserts and mountain steppes (depending on the exposure of the slopes and altitude above sea level).
The main river in the area is Torkent (maximum flow 177 m3/sec).

Climatic conditions: average air temperature in January is –8°C in the valley part, -12°C in the mountainous part. In July, average monthly temperatures are +26°C in the valley and +8°C in the mountains. The minimum air temperature is minus 38°C, the maximum is +38°C. The average annual precipitation is 400 mm in the valley and 400-600 mm in the mountainous parts of the region. The daily maximum precipitation can reach 40 mm in the valley and up to 70 mm in the mountains.

Desert foothills are usually covered with wormwood, ephemerals, ephemeroids, as well as girgensonia and eryngium. Teresken, sweda, tree solyanka, barnyard grass, capers, parfolia, Namangan sagebrush, Fergana sagebrush, desert-loving sagebrush, Tajik sagebrush, pistachio, prickly almond, and ostegia also grow here.

Settlements: Torkent is a village, the center of the Abdy-Suerkulovsky ayil district of the Toktogul district of the Jalal-Abad region. In 2009 its population was 4,326 people. Kara Zhygach is a village in the Toktogul district of the Jalal-Abad region. In 2021 its population was 3,263.

Attractions: Archaluu Yyyk zher ata*. This holy place is located on a high mountain, from where the Naryn River and the Torken River flow into Toktogul Lake. The local junipers (tree-like junipers) have special properties. And every year an eagle brings out its chick above the juniper. The type of holy place is archa (juniper). Rag scraps are tied onto this juniper.

Local elders cannot say how many years the eagle has lived here. Even though people come here every week to pray and stay here overnight, the eagle is not at all afraid of them. When people read prayers there, they pray to the Archa Holy Place, as well as to the patron saint of birds - buudaiyk (fairytale bird of prey). People staying here overnight light candles and pray for the cure of their illnesses, asking God to help them.
The following story is connected with the place: “On that archa, a certain man cut down a branch, after which he was cursed, his children were cursed, and all his life he regretted his rash act. There обычно приходят бездетные люди, желая иметь детей, а также больные – дабы попросить об исцелении”.

* Based on materials

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